NetMeter EVO is a freeware bandwidth monitoring application that's easy-to-use and minimalistic.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Network software that will monitor Internet bandwidth usage. Screenshot of NetMeter EVO - 878px · 782pxFree bandwidth checker. Screenshot of NetMeter EVO - 1474px · 837pxNetMeter EVO: NetMeter. Screenshot of NetMeter EVO - 968px · 682pxKeep track of your bandwidth use. Screenshot of NetMeter EVO - 968px · 682pxSimple yet effective. Screenshot of NetMeter EVO - 968px · 682pxSimplistic approach. Screenshot of NetMeter EVO - 968px · 682pxInstallation process is simple and fast. Screenshot of NetMeter EVO - 968px · 682pxSmall square screen. Screenshot of NetMeter EVO - 968px · 682px